Penygarn Community Primary School

Ysgol Gynradd Gymunedol Penygarn

01495 742090

Penygarn Road, Pontypool. NP4 8JR

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Latest News

Kier Visit Assembly

04 Oct 2017

We are getting very excited about the coming changes to our school. Yesterday we had a visit from the company who will be in charge of it all, and they talked to all the boys and girls in assembly. The plans are available for all to see in the school foyer. A couple of pictures have been added to the Gallery section.


20 Sep 2017

Here at Penygarn we love to celebrate successes and each week we hold a celebrations assembly. Copies of the past two weeks celebrations are attached to this news piece, please click on the title and take a look .... well done everyone concerned, you are all doing so well!

Music Success

18 Sep 2017

Congratulations to Meghan who has passed her Grade One violin exam. We are ever so proud of you!

Exciting Developments at Pengarn

21 Jul 2017

Some exciting changes are coming to Penygarn Community Primary School. We will be holding a meeting in the new school year to tell you all about it, dates to follow soon.

Music Success

21 Jul 2017

Huge congratulations to Cati who has recently passed her Grade 1 guitar exam. We are so proud of you!

Longleat Trip

12 Jul 2017

We would like to take this opportunity to thank all Year 6 parents for their patience and understanding yesterday awaiting the return of the Longleat trip. Unfortunately we will always be at the mercy of the traffic and yesterday it was exceptionally bad. The good news is that the children had a wonderful time whilst there.

SchoolBeat Website

26 Jun 2017

Year 4 have been working on Stranger Danger, Friend or Foe today. Parents and children can follow this up by accessing the SchoolBeat website (click on the title to find a link). This is available for children of all age groups - just select the pupils tab at the top. There is also an advice section for parents.

Attendance Figures 19 - 23 June 2017

26 Jun 2017

Whilst we appreciate that we had extremely high temperatures last week, the attendance total for last week is potentially the worst the school has seen in recent years. We must do all we can to improve this, please help us! Please click on the title to see the attendance news.

The Little Princess Trust

20 Jun 2017

This lovely young lady recently made the very brave decision to have her hair cut and donate it to the Little Princess Trust. She was inspired by one of our teachers, who did the same thing. She spent a long time reading up on it and just knew it was the right thing to do. She had a total of 10 inches cut which will make a real difference to a young child who has lost their hair. We think she looks very smart and even prettier with her new hair cut. and we are super proud of her!

Sports Days 2017 Information

16 Jun 2017

Information is attached

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