Penygarn Community Primary School

Ysgol Gynradd Gymunedol Penygarn

01495 742090

Penygarn Road, Pontypool. NP4 8JR

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Year 6 WWII Production

26 Sep 2018

Our Year 6’s had an amazing time watching the WWII production. They learnt all about what it was like living in this time. Children were involved in acting out what happened when the air raid siren warned people to take shelter. They also learnt that butter, sugar, milk, cheese and many other foods needed to be rationed. It was a difficult time for those children who were evacuated from the cities to the countryside for their safety. Many having to leave their families behind and not return for months or even a year. They were able to visualise different aspects of WWII life and thoroughly enjoyed the experience. We have added lots of lovely photos to the gallery section of the website, please take a look.

Total Raised!

24 Sep 2018

We raised a fabulous £230 on Jeans for Genes day. Thank you to all who contributed!