Penygarn Community Primary School

Ysgol Gynradd Gymunedol Penygarn

01495 742090

Penygarn Road, Pontypool. NP4 8JR

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Pupil Zone

Online Safety


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We take online safety extremely seriously at Penygarn Community Primary School. 

Internet safety lessons are built into our curriculum in every year group.

Try out Captain Kara and Winston's Smart Adventure to see how online safe you are. 


We use the Thinkuknow Cyber Cafe website in Key Stage 2 and the Hector's World website in the Foundation Phase. 

Click on the links below to find out more about how to use the internet safely.


Hectors World.jpg


You Have the Right to be Safe - Please click here for more information


Children can access more information about keeping safe online here


If you need more information on Apps, please click here


Online Safety Information for Parents

The Internet has become an important aspect of everyday life to which children need to be able to respond safely and responsibly.

At Penygarn Community Primary School we believe that the Internet offers a valuable resource for teachers and children. Access to the Internet offers both students and teachers vast, diverse, and unique resources and helps to raise educational standards. It supports the professional work of staff, enhancing the school’s management information and business administrative systems.

The main reason that we provide Internet access to our teachers and pupils is to promote educational excellence by facilitating resource sharing, innovation, and communication. However, for both students and teachers, Internet access at school is a privilege and not an entitlement.

There is always a small risk inherent with internet use that children may encounter inappropriate material on the Internet. The school will actively take all reasonable precautions to restrict pupil access to both undesirable and illegal material, as well as educate pupils to take appropriate action if they do come across such material. 

Please be very careful when allowing pupils to use social networking sites such as Club Penguin, Moshi Monsters, Facebook, Bebo etc.  Encourage your children not to publish personal information about themselves, and use the sites together.  It is ideal to encourage children to use the internet on a computer based in a family room.


Online Safety Policy


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Acceptable Use Policies

Every year, we ask children and staff to sign Acceptable Use of Technology Agreements. These agreements explain how our ICT equipment should be used safely, and for educational purposes. They highlight what can, and cannot, be done whilst accessing technology in our school. If children break these agreements, they will not be allowed to access technology in school for a period of time.


You can find a copy of the Foundation Phase agreement here, and the Key Stage 2 agreement here.

 Staff Acceptable Use Policy

Social Media and App Safety Advice

You can access online safety advice here.  It covers a lot of the current Social Media platforms and apps children, and adults use