Penygarn Community Primary School

Ysgol Gynradd Gymunedol Penygarn

01495 742090

Penygarn Road, Pontypool. NP4 8JR

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Pupil Zone

Healthy Warriors

We are the Healthy Warriors!


Welcome to the Healthy Warriors page - we are in charge of ensuring that Penygarn Community Primary School is an ECO friendly, healthy and happy school.

As part of our role as Healthy Warriors we ensure that the school is free of litter, lunch boxes are healthy and that electricity and paper is not being wasted

During our meetings we discuss how we can ensure our school is ECO friendly, complete classroom inspections checking that lights are turned off and paper is recycled. We also complete secret spy missions to ensure that the packed lunches that are brought into school are healthy. We also complete litter picks around our school, this helps our school to be a clean and happy environment.

The teachers that help us are Mrs Arnold and Mrs D, they help us keep our school up to date with all the new schemes and initiatives linked to Healthy Schools and ECO Schools. They also ensure that we are following the Welsh Governments Healthy Schools and ECO schools guidelines. We are due to have some visitors very shortly to give us new advice and actions to ensure our school is as healthy as it can be!