Penygarn Community Primary School

Ysgol Gynradd Gymunedol Penygarn

01495 742090

Penygarn Road, Pontypool. NP4 8JR

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Parent Zone


At Penygarn Community Primary we believe everyone has the right to:

  • feel safe, cared for and respected

  • be able to learn to the best of his/her ability and to develop whatever skills he/she possesses

  • be treated equally irrespective of gender, race, physical characteristics or any other factors

  • learn and play without disruption.

At Penygarn Community Primary School everyone is expected to:       

  • be responsible for their own behaviour

  • respect the rights of others.

At the beginning of every year all classes decide on their class rules. These rules assist learning and facilitate a happy classroom environment.These rules, the Class Charter,  are signed by all children and their teachers  and  displayed in the classroom.  In addition, there are school rules and values which are contained in the school prospectus.

Children's achievements are celebrated in a special Celebration Assembly held every Friday. Children find this very motivating.


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Rewards also include :

  • stickers                                       
  • class dojos
  • certificates
  • praise
  • opportunity to share their work with other staff and children
  • plus many more!

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Each week all classes celebrate Golden Time. Golden Time is a whole school (or class) activity session to celebrate keeping the Golden Rules. Golden Time activities are special activities that the children have chosen to do. With a consequence for their actions, children learn about the difference between positive behaviour and keeping to the golden rules, and disruptive or unhelpful behaviour that stops everyone moving forward. An individual may lose minutes from their golden time but they are always able to earn it back by making the right choices.

Please click here to view our Good to be Green Parent Guide


We say No to Bullying, whether verbal or physical; it has no place in our school. We ask for all parents and pupils to help us by reporting immediately any incidents so that we can deal firmly and fairly with any bullies, involving parents if appropriate. 

Available Leaflets

Is your child being bullied? - Leaflet for Parents/Carers

Are you being bullied? - Leaflet for Pupils

