Penygarn Community Primary School

Ysgol Gynradd Gymunedol Penygarn

01495 742090

Penygarn Road, Pontypool. NP4 8JR

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Congratulation Mrs Edmunds!!

16 Jul 2018

Congratulations and good luck to Mrs E Edmunds on your two year secondment as Headteacher at Glyncoed Primary School starting in September 2018. We will miss you, it will be very strange at Penygarn without you. You will make a superb Headteacher, Glyncoed are lucky to have you!

Cymraeg Campus Bronze Award

06 Jul 2018

We are pleased to announce that after working hard all year, Penygarn has just been awarded the Cymraeg Campus Bronze Award for their use of Welsh. We are so proud of all the staff and children and would like to give a special thanks to Miss Busby and the Criw Cymraeg members for helping us achieve this fantastic award.