Penygarn Community Primary School

Ysgol Gynradd Gymunedol Penygarn

01495 742090

Penygarn Road, Pontypool. NP4 8JR

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Latest News

Year 5 Immersive Theatre Experience

20 Oct 2017

Recently, Year 5 were treated to an immersion experience that was OUT OF THIS WORLD!! Year 5 teachers arranged for a planetarium to be brought into our school to LAUNCH our topic, ‘Stargazers’! We took a trip along the Milky Way into outer space to experience what life would be like on other planets and on the International Space Station! We were also able to take a closer look at the stars, the moon and the sun, all from the comfort of our own school hall. It was an amazing experience and one we are sure the children (and staff!) will not forget! If you click on the title of this article you will find photographs of the experience. Apologies for the quality of the photographs, they were taken in the dark.


18 Oct 2017

We raised an AMAZING £319.95 for Jeans for Genes day! Thank you to everyone who contributed.

Attendance News - Gallery added

13 Oct 2017

We have added a folder into the 2017/18 photos gallery for all of this year's attendance news. This makes it easier for you to compare weeks and attendance figures. We need to increase our attendance and decrease the number of lates. Please ensure you call in to school on 01495 742090 and leave a message on the attendance line answerphone if your child is absent from school for any reason.

Time to get artistic!

05 Oct 2017

Public Health Wales are running a 'Design a Poster' competition for Years 1 - 6. Please click on the title of this news item for more information and how to enter.

Kier Visit Assembly

04 Oct 2017

We are getting very excited about the coming changes to our school. Yesterday we had a visit from the company who will be in charge of it all, and they talked to all the boys and girls in assembly. The plans are available for all to see in the school foyer. A couple of pictures have been added to the Gallery section.