Penygarn Community Primary School

Ysgol Gynradd Gymunedol Penygarn

01495 742090

Penygarn Road, Pontypool. NP4 8JR

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Let's Celebrate


Dojos - Happier pupils, happier classrooms!


We use dojos to encourage the pupils at Penygarn to follow our 'Golden Rules' and to use their thinking skills.


If you earn the most dojos in your class then you get to visit the School Council 'Treat Trolley'.


Treat Trolley

The School Council set up their treat trolley in 2014-2015 and stocked it with lovely rewards chosen by the class councils. These include:

  • Bouncy Balls;
  • Notebooks;
  • Pencils;
  • Stretchy figures;
  • Whistles and
  • Bubbles.

Every Monday in the celebration assembly, the winning pupils visit the trolley to choose their reward.

Attendance and Class Rewards

We have a number of rewards for excellent attendance, a list of which can be seen here.  Class rewards are given once the class has reached their target.  The class then chooses a special activity for an afternoon.

Top Table

Coming soon - the MDSAs will be awarding 'Golden Raffle' tickets to those pupils following the 'Lunchtime and Playground Golden Rules'. They will get to dine at the 'Top Table'.

The current School Council representatives are working with their Class Councils to revamp Top Table as they think they can make it even better.

Watch this space!!!