Penygarn Community Primary School

Ysgol Gynradd Gymunedol Penygarn

01495 742090

Penygarn Road, Pontypool. NP4 8JR

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Classes | Foxes


Croeso i Foxes!


The class teacher for Foxes class is Mrs H Lang, with her is is Mrs H Lang, with her is by Mrs R Groves, Mrs C Hunt, Miss K Jackson and Miss H George.


Our topics this year are:

  • Let our Adventures Begin
  • Rights and Respect
  • Starry Night
  • Christmas Time
  • Let’s Perform
  • Wonderful Wales
  • Explore, Innovate and Create
  • Why do Ladybirds have spots?
  • Express Yourself!
  • We are the Champions
  • Around the World


Homework and PE:

Home Learning will be sent out with the children on a Friday. This will consist of a Reading book, A Library Book, Spellings/Letter Formation and Maths. This will need to be returned on a Friday also in order to change books.


Our PE days are a Tuesday. Children are to come to school dressed in their PE kits.


Additional information about our class:

Children will need to bring £1 a week for snack – we will be trying lot’s of different foods and become more adventurous. Children will have daily access to the outdoors so please ensure your child is dressed appropriately for the weather. We also ask that a pair of wellies be left in school for when we venture to our Forest School Area.

Please could the children also bring in a spare pair of clothes, to be left in school. This is in case of any accidents or if the children get wet/muddy whilst out exploring.