Croeso i Bumblebees!
The class teacher for Bumblebees class is Miss C Williams. With her are Miss Jones, Mrs Hall and Miss E Williams, Miss Hannah and Miss Jackson on different days.
Our topics this year are:
- Let our adventures begin
- Rights and respect
- Starry night
- Christmas traditions
- Let’s perform
- Wonderful Wales
- Explore, innovate and create
- Why do ladybirds have spots?
- Express yourself!
- We are the champions
- Around the world
Homework and PE:
Our PE day is a Wednesday.
School library books to be returned and changed each Friday.
Additional information about our class:
Please can children bring in £1 for snack each week – we will be exploring lots of different foods and becoming more adventurous!
We will let you know when the children need waterproofs and wellies for outdoor learning