Penygarn Community Primary School

Ysgol Gynradd Gymunedol Penygarn

01495 742090

Penygarn Road, Pontypool. NP4 8JR

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Classes | Badgers



Croeso i Badgers!


The class teacher for Badgers class is Mrs L Evans, with her is Mrs Hern.


Our topics this year are:

  • Our Adventures Begins
  • Rights and Respect B
  • Brilliant Betsi (Class theme)
  • Christmas transitions (Including Enterprise)
  • Beat, Band, Boogie (Class theme)
  • Wonderful Wales
  • Explore, innovate and create
  • Scented garden (Class theme)
  • Expressive yourself!
  • Fitness First
  • Around the world

Homework and PE:

Our PE day is Wednesday. Reading books will come home and need to be returned on a Friday. Spelling lists will be sent home on a Thursday to practise for the following Wednesday.


Additional information about our class:

Pupils in Year 2 take part in Fresh Air Friday every week. The children need to come in comfortable shoes/wellies and coats for the weather.



