Penygarn Community Primary School

Ysgol Gynradd Gymunedol Penygarn

01495 742090

Penygarn Road, Pontypool. NP4 8JR

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About Us

Mission Statement, Aims and Golden Rules

Mission Statement

“Nurturing the hearts and minds of the future”

"Magu’r galon a’r meddwl o’r dyfodol"


School Aims

At Penygarn we aim to CHALLENGE our pupils.

C is for capable learners

H is for health both mentally and physically

A is for being ambitious

L is for leading and playing different roles in a team

L is for learning to take risks

E is for expressing ideas and emotions

N is for new thinking

G is for grasping opportunities

E is for enterprising and engaging citizens


Staff and children alike are all engaged in learning and committed to success. We are constantly being innovative, striving to find and create better ways of pursuing our goals. We realise the importance of our community, bound by strong values and involve governors, staff, parents, children and our community in creating a caring, happy school which helps everyone achieve success.

Our Golden Rules

We are gentle.

We are kind and helpful.

We listen.

We are honest.

We work hard.

We look after property.

Dining Hall Golden Rules

We line up calmly.

We walk carefully through the hall.

We speak quietly to those around us.

We keep our table clean.

We are polite to everyone.

We use good table manners.

Playground Golden Rules

We are gentle.

We are kind and helpful.

We play well with others.

We care for the playground.

We listen.

We  are honest.