Penygarn Community Primary School

Ysgol Gynradd Gymunedol Penygarn

01495 742090

Penygarn Road, Pontypool. NP4 8JR

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Pupil Deprivation Grant

Since 2012 the Welsh Government have been providing additional funds for schools to tackle national priorities for education.

The three national priorities are:

1. Reducing the impact of poverty of pupil attainment.
2. Raising standards in literacy.
3. Raising standards in numeracy.

Each school in Wales is allocated a sum of money the 'Pupil Deprivation Grant (PDG)' based on the number of pupils who are entitled to free school meals (FSM).  In 2021-22 Penygarn Community Primary School has been allocated £189,750 and £43,700 for the Early Years.

The grant is to be utilised to overcome any additional barriers that learners from disadvantaged backgrounds face which may prevent them from attaining as well as their peers.

Each school is required to draw up a plan and publish how this grant is utilised on sustainable interventions to improve the attainment of children who may be disadvantaged due to family financial circumstances or background.

At Penygarn Community Primary School our allocation in 2021-2022 will be used to:

  • further enhance the school's provision for enhancing social and emotional development and wellbeing by employing a full time play therapist, an educational family support worker and trained staff to deliver our nurture provision
  • support the Well-being and Attitudes to Learning Lead in consultation with other stakeholders to reprioritise and revise curriculum aims to provide a balance between wellbeing and academic learning for ALL learners including the most vulnerable
  • define appropriate mechanisms of formative assessment to support pupil progress, readiness to learn and engagement in learning for ALL learners including the most vulnerable
  • establish outdoor learning classrooms to support the development of lifelong learning skills in the outdoors for ALL pupils including our most vulnerable
  • further enhance the school's provision for outdoor learning to support the development of lifelong learning skills by employing an outdoor learning expert
  • further enhance the school's Trauma Informed School provision to support social and emotional development and wellbeing
  • to enhance the delivery pf early interventions to accelerate the acquisition of early skills


PDG Statement

PDG Plan


At Penygarn Community Primary School, we have high expectations for all our pupils and aim to ensure that the necessary support is focused on individual needs of each and every child.

All parents can be reassured that all children are treated fairly and equally and that all information in relation to the PDG is treated with discretion and confidentiality.