Penygarn Community Primary School

Ysgol Gynradd Gymunedol Penygarn

01495 742090

Penygarn Road, Pontypool. NP4 8JR

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About Us

Blended Learning

Blended Learning

Blended Learning is a combination of face-to-face learning and distance learning.  These approaches should complement each other and can be driven by a single curriculum.  It should be underpinned by high quality teaching.



  1. To provide a link between home and school so that pupils and parents can share information, work and ask questions when needed

  2. To support all stakeholders and uphold our open-door policy remotely

  3. To ensure mental and emotional wellbeing is a key focus and integrated into our everyday practice (see appendix 1)

  4. To provide an on-line education using Google Classroom, Google Drive, Class Dojo, mathletics, MYON and accelerated reader as the main resource; pupils are set work by their class teacher which encompasses the Four Purposes of the Curriculum for Wales

  5. To ensure coherence between in school and remote/home learning

  6. To provide alternative work for families not on-line or with limited access (or no access) to IT devices via home learning packs

  7. To provide feedback on work completed through Google Classroom, Google Drive, Google Meets, or Class Dojo


Blended Learning – Common Principles

Blended learning should be:

  • Grounded in the best of current teaching practice underpinned by high quality teaching and learning

  • Providing a broad and balanced curriculum to enable all learners to make progress;

  • Considering the implications for staff and learner wellbeing;

  • Taking into account the unique school context and any barriers faced by learners and

  • Making the best and complementary use of the strengths of all its various aspects including face-to-face teacher time.



How do we deliver Blended Learning at Penygarn?

 We ensure:

  •      a single curriculum approach is the basis to all of our planning;

  •      best use of classroom time to support home learning;

  •      a balance of subject and thematic project based learning in both FP and KS2;

  •      flexible grouping arrangements to provide the best access to intervention groups etc;

  •      the continued progress of learners unable to attend school;

  •      we develop the learning skills learners will need;

  •      a maintained focus on how to increase and ensure learner engagement;

  •      differentiation and scaffolding in the context of blended learning;

  •      clear roles and responsibilities for our support staff;

  •      we make the best use of the full range of new digital learning tools to support teaching;

  •      continued support for pupil wellbeing and

  •      we maximise the potential for additional intervention sessions for vulnerable learners.


You can find a copy of our Blended Learning Policy here




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Glossary of Terms

Key Messages

Guidance to Parents and Carers



Distance Learning


Below you will find packs for Distance Learning for Reception - Year 6 Children.


Distance learning is provided for children who are self-isolating and if we were to go into a full lockdown where schools were closed.



Everyday Activities Pack


Year 1

Practical Ideas

Home Learning Pack

Home Learning Pack Guidance and answers


Year 2

Practical Ideas

Home Learning Pack

Home Learning Pack Guidance


Year 3

Practical Ideas

Home Learning Pack

Home Learning Pack Guidance


Year 4

Practical Ideas

Home Learning Pack

Home Learning Pack Guidance


Year 5

Practical Ideas

Home Learning Pack

Home Learning Pack Guidance


Year 6

Practical Ideas

Home Learning Pack

Home Learning Pack Guidance