Penygarn Community Primary School

Ysgol Gynradd Gymunedol Penygarn

01495 742090

Penygarn Road, Pontypool. NP4 8JR

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About Us

Headteacher Welcome

Dear Parents/ Carers

On behalf of all the teaching and support staff, I would like to welcome you to our school web-site. It is designed to give you a glimpse of our school and is packed with information that parents/carers will need to know. If you are a prospective parent looking for an admission place for your child, then please contact the school office where we will be delighted to help you. Our dedicated, hardworking team will work closely with you to ensure that your child has a happy and enjoyable time during their time with us.

We believe that children learn best in a relaxed yet focused environment, where they are confident about "having a go" at a wide range of curriculum activities.  We offer activities such as Art, Music, Dance, Drama, Reading, Writing, Mathematics, ICT, Welsh, PSE, Physical Education and Outdoor Learning to mention but a few. We aim to encourage children in their strengths, whilst encouraging them to embrace new challenges.

Our school is a positive, happy and fun-filled place where everyone works together to get the best for our children. This is reflected in our mission statement:

'Nurturing the Hearts and Minds of the Future'

It is recognised that children have different learning styles: auditory, visual and kinaesthetic. So your child may learn best when he/she can be an excellent listener, or when he/she can see something drawn out, or when he/she can use their body to move around and be more "hands on".  All children use a combination of all three but with different emphasis.  We aim therefore to cater for all three learning styles during every lesson so that we can engage all of our learners.  We also share learning intentions with our children at the start of a lesson and agree the success criteria and return to them throughout the learning so that we cn engage them in self-assessment.

We also believe that all of our community: children, parents, staff, governors and others associated with the school deserve a say in what goes on.  As a school, we hold regular Coffee Mornings for parents and carers which helps us to continuously listen and respond to the needs of our community together with regular School Council meetings where new proposals are discussed and voted upon.  Each class has one representative at each of these meetings.

We look forward to welcoming you to our school and working with you to ensure that all children leave us with a love of learning and that they are well on their way to becoming life long learners.


Mrs L Smith


